Laura Halleck
Laura played many instruments as a child, including, piano, violin, clarinet, and tuba. She has continued to play the piano and learned to play the bass guitar as an adult. She participated in the GSR Vibes program in the spring of 2023 and realized how much she enjoys ringing handbells. She is very happy to be joining GSR and has also joined the handbell choir at Main Street United Methodist Church in Nashua, NH. Laura graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) with a BS in Industrial Engineering, and obtained her MS in Industrial Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology and an MBA from University of Massachusetts Lowell. She works as a Quality Systems Consultant with Quality Support Group (QSG) and enjoys scrapbooking, knitting, running, and playing board games in her spare time. She lives in Pelham, NH with her partner, Jim, and their pets, Lily (cat) and Kori (dog).